Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's been a long time...too long

So, its been a super long time since I've written anything here and I think it's about time! Forgive me, my fellow bloggers, for spending so much of my time on Facebook and not enough time here.
To be totally honest, the stuff going on in my life just can't be spoken out on internet. I imagine that goes for many other bloggers as well, but I find myself at a crossroads. Do I get on here and talk about trivial things or do I write about the things that are causing stress in my life? That is the dilemma...what to write and how much to share.
I don't want to focus on the things in my life that are crazy and stressful. Why on earth would I want to give that junk more of my mental time?! So, this blog is going to take on a different approach. It is going to become the avenue that I use to communicate to the ladies in my church, and anyone else that wants to read, on the Bible Study we are currently in.
We will be starting the book "A Woman After God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George. Our first discussion meeting is going to start on Feb 16th. This will be open for anyone that is interested in learning together, and sharing what the Holy Spirit is teaching each of us as we walk in our journey of faith. This blog will serve as a sharing place as well, for those that may not be able to come to the discussion each week, but want to read along with us.
More to come....now, back to my crazy but great life!


Peg said...

You are going to love that book. I will tell you right now that it was a huge challenge for me. Mine is in the attic or I'd get it out and go through it with you all. Amazingly stretching book.

~LL~ said...

I participated in a book study (that same book) a few years ago... I may lurk and join in from time to time, if that is OK.

As far as what to share and when... I go through that, too. But, I think that is also a part of ministry as you can set an example of how you approach the stress you face.