Monday, March 15, 2010

Chapter 3- A Heart Committed to Prayer

I told you about the Great Exchange program available to us in Chapter 2, but that is just one of the blessings that we receive when we take time for prayer. I'm not talking about that quick, little whispered prayer before we loose it, but a more decided prayer. The one where we've decided to sit and spend some time talking to the Creator of the Universe about the things going on in our life and the lives of the people we love. As we decidedly take the time, day in and day out, to pray it becomes more natural. You really can rise up from prayer feeling more relieved and free from the heavy burdens that you've been carrying.

Mark 1: 35 tells us that Jesus got up early, before dark, and went out alone in the wilderness to pray. I was struck by the simpleness of this. Jesus was God and Man and he still needed to be alone to pray, how much more do I need to do this, since I am just a woman. The scriptures before this verse tell us about all the things Jesus had done the previous day and man was it a lot! He healed the sick, cast out demons, and taught in the synagogue. His day was filled to the brim with doing for others- I can identify with that and I bet you can too! So, if even Jesus himself needed time to be alone to recharge His battery, so do I and so do you.

There are many benefits to prayer like confidence, improved relationships, contentment, and God-confidence and those are just to name a few. The best benefit to prayer is a deeper relationship with God. Create a prayer journal this week, so you can see how the Lord moves and answers prayer in your life. I started this several years ago and I've never regretted doing it. It builds my faith as I read over the different things I've lifted to the Lord and see how He answered those needs in my life and in others. I challenge you, if you've never done one, and you are serious about wanting to grow deeper in your relationship with the Lord, pick up an empty notebook today and start. There is no formula, no right way to do it, just writing.

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