Monday, March 15, 2010

Chapter 4- A Heart That Obeys

This one can be more challenging to some than others, but it is necessary to have a heart that is compliant, cooperative, and responsive to the Lord and His commands. Elizabeth George shares a story about her daughter baking brownies, where she leaves out the salt in the recipe. It made the brownies terrible and no one could eat them. In order to be a woman after God's heart, we must have the ingredient of obedience.

The chapter spends some time talking about the differences between the heart of King David and the heart of King Saul. One of the differences spoke volumes to me. Elizabeth George writes, "Even though David didn't always obey God, he had what mattered over the long haul- a heart after God. In sharp contrast, Saul's devotion to God was impulsive and sporadic." This is such an encouragement to me. I do not always do what is right and I am far from perfect, but my heart wants to obey and do the right. And that my dear friend is the ticket! Do we want to do what is right or are we kicking and screaming all the way there?

We can work on having a heart that is obedient by concentrating on doing what is right, cease doing what is wrong, confess any wrong, clear things up with others, and then continue on our walk with the Lord. Like brownies we cannot eat, because they are missing a key ingredient, we cannot be used fully by the Lord if we are missing an ingredient.

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