Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thankful November

Day #6

I am thankful for the right to vote.
I do not take this lightly. Men died for me to have this freedom today and many women fought to give me this right, as a woman, to voice my opinion as well.
I have no idea what this day will hold. I have no idea who will win this election today. There has been some discussion that some may be very upset on both sides if their candidate does not win. I wish that we were a peaceable people. I wish that we could let our fellow brothers have their opinion and we could still love each other anyway. That's how I operate anyway. I may not agree with your way of thinking, but you are just as entitled to your opinion as I am. I say vote your own conscience and respect your fellow brothers ability to do so as well.
Now, I'll get off that soap box...alteast for a little while.

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